Tea for TWO- me and YOU!

Hey there! It’s ME! Hannah—your prospective florist!

A strange little factoid about me is that I don’t actually like coffee. I’m from a family devoted (almost religiously) to coffee and I’m the only one of 6 who doesn’t like the taste. BUT I love the SMELL and I love coffee shops. I usually get myself a chai, some hot lemonade (try it—you won’t regret it!) or a steamer.

What’s your drink of choice? Let my buy it for you and let’s get planning on your BIG DAY! I’d LOVE to meet with you to see if I’m a good fit for you and your wedding.

To prepare you for our meeting, I’ve made a list of things so you can feel prepared! Sending me this information prior to getting tea with me is a HUGE help, but not required!

  1. Come up with pictures of what you like—pin en masse on Pinterest. If you like it, pin it. Don’t overthink too much. There are three types of brides: A. Those who don’t really know what they want. If that’s you, don’t sweat it! Just pin what you like! B. You want me to just go ahead and use creative license, and make you something unique and beautiful! C. You know exactly what you want and know that I’ll do my best to recreate it (while also realizing that flowers are a creative art that can’t really be copied EXACTLY).

  2. After you’ve pinned en masse, decide what you like about your pictures on Pinterest—do you see any themes? Shape of bouquet or boutonniere, flower color, type, size or texture? Do you prefer floral heavy bouquets or greenery heavy bouquets? Do you like big flowy bouquets (my speciality!) or compact, smaller bouquets? These things will help me determine what you’re really into, and what is just extraneous detail.

  3. What words describe the theme of your wedding? Rustic Boho elegance? Trendy classic circus? Farmhouse geometric vintage? You tell me! The world is your oyster. Let’s make it happen. But let’s define it a little bit!

  4. Come with what you already know— vendors (cake, photographer, bar, food, coordinator, rentals), venue, dress pictures, color scheme, bridesmaid dresses and color.

  5. Decide how many of each type of arrangement you want—and don’t forget corsages, boutonnieres for family members and ushers, flower crowns, flower girl basket, arch decor, runners, or centerpieces. I’ve noticed that the bride usually gets focused on bouquets and forgets about all the rest. Which is great, because those are the center of attention, but don’t forget the others!

  6. Think about where you will get vases for your centerpieces and what they will look like. Arch size (if applicable) is important too. That will help me determine what kind of mechanics will be needed to make the florals look beautiful, stay put, and stay hydrated.

  7. Budget. Determine a range for me. It helps to adjust the quote to which flowers fit your budget. Where can we splurge? Where should we save? Please be as specific as possible that way I can be as direct as possible and save you time and energy in your decision making. The flowers should be one of the easiest decisions for you— I hope I can make it so!

Hopefully this is helpful! I’m a list person— so I made this for all of you list brides! This crazy and exciting part of your life is going to be one you remember forever! Let’s make the process of choosing your flowers as PAINLESS as possible and we’ll make them punctuate the day.



